Dealing with Overwhelm

Welcome to this episode where I go over that major challenge that we all face when going into business on our own. When you set up your business you are usually way outside of your comfort zone and you’re managing a lot!

As photographers you start out with this great, great hobby that excites you and you love every minute. Then you decide you want to set up a business doing what you love. Then boom! You find yourself in a different arena and it’s filled with other photographers who have been at the job longer than you, they seem more experienced than you, and you have so much more to learn because this is now your business.

When you get here, it can be totally overwhelming.

There’s setting up a business, there’s social media, there’s competition, you have to have a website, you have to charge money, you have to learn a whole new set of skills.

Overwhelm is a very strong emotion and all consuming. So what are you going to do? How are you going to keep up?

Sit back and have a listen to this episode. And if you haven’t already joined the Facebook Group with photographers who are serious about kickstarting and growing their business, hit the link below.


See you on the inside! Dee x


New Season 5 - Welcome & Intro


MONEY MINDSET: Receiving & Spending Money