MONEY MINDSET: Receiving & Spending Money

Let’s chat about this, what is this exchange of money fear that we go through?  Why does it happen and where does it come from?

It’s a proven fact.  When you have fears around money, the effect on your achievements can be quite significant.

Coaches, like me, who talk about money mindset have all experienced money mindset issues and have seen the leapfrog our businesses have taken as a result of breaking through these blocks.

Our money mindset seeds are sewn from very young and they generally continue throughout our lives.  Money has been demonised for centuries.  

Money tends to be associated with the negative. As a reason why something cannot happen. As a reason why we just cannot do things.

If you’re listening and you’re a photographer, not yet in my Facebook group and you need a little inspiration and guidance. ... join the group.

There’s so much support, and the group members are awesome!

Until next time. Dee x


Dealing with Overwhelm


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