Using Your Personal Facebook Account for Your Business

Never ever ever use your personal Facebook Account for business. They will find you. They will punish you, and they will shut you down. They may even go as far as deleting your account.

Facebook have very strict rules about using personal profiles for business, this is why they give the ability to set up businesses pages etc. However, they do require that your business page is linked to your personal account…….they need to know you’re a real person right?

It’s totally free to set up a Facebook Business Page, and if you follow their process you’ll do just fine!

There is more you can do for your business if you’re smart with your personal profile.

I see so many entrepreneurs, small businesses and of course PHOTOGRAPHERS not using their personal profile to their advantage.

The thing is, you are your business - all day every day! I’m a firm believer in that you have just one life. There’s no work life and personal life. You have just one life, but it’s tidily compartmentalised into the different things you do, i.e. your work, raising kids, leisure time, etc.

So with that in mind…..

4 Quick Ways To ‘Use’ Your Personal Facebook Account for Business

#1 Public Posts on Facebook

Are all your personal posts ‘private’? If so you might want to rethink that. Remember you are your business and you want people to see you. Without selling, you should be talking about what you’re doing in your business, because this is something going on in your life right? So tell people. If you have some useful information, go ahead and post it. But if it’s share-worthy, you’ll need to make sure it’s public.

#2 What does your INTRO on your personal account say?

Most people say things like, “I love my Family”; “I’m an independent woman”; “Catch me if you can” and stuff like that. Or they say they’re employed in “School of Life”. Ok, here’s the thing. These things say nothing about you really. This is an opportunity to say what you do. Say that you’re a photographer, say that you own your business. Say exactly what it is that you do, so that people on your account have no doubt about that. It’s incredible the number of referrals on Facebook because of someone looking for what you do, and then someone tagging you because they know what you do.

#3 Do you keep your personal account posts positive?

Or are you cursing, putting people down, judging, throwing highly enraged political views out there? Trust me, when your ideal client finds you, they stalk. They stalk the hell out of your social media and they want to also see that you’re their ideal supplier. Ok if you want your ideal client to be a carbon copy of you, then …..fair-dinkum!

#4 Are you sharing your business page posts?

I’m surprised at the number of photographers who don’t do this. Each time you post on your business page, go a little further and share that on your personal account. This lets your FB friends know that you’re active in what you’re doing, they take you more seriously and this really can lead to work! Likewise, if you’ve posted something really amazing on your personal account that your ideal client could do with knowing about you, share it to your page. Your personal account and business page(s) should work together.

These little tweaks help to extend your visibility, because you never know who’s watching you.

Until next time. Dee x

If you haven’t already joined the Facebook Community hit the link. There’s so much more waiting for you on the inside.

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