Chatting to Natty!

Join me in this episode chatting to Natalie Frasca Surmeli - she's a free spirited coach for women.

While this isn't about photography, it's about women re-igniting their power to be who they truly are, to realise their authentic selves and do what they are meant to do.

This resonates with me enormously, because I spent so many years of my life trying to fit a mould and be who people expected me to be.  Living a life full of frustration is what plagues so many women today, including photographers.

I'm a true believer in that once you free your spirit, you can truly rise up and be YOU!  The person you are meant to be, doing what you're meant to do.  And for a lot of us, that's photography.

If Natty hits you right in the soul, you can find her on Facebook

So if you're a woman, or a guy, looking to break free and get your photography business off the ground and moving forward, this podcast really is for you.

Until next time. Dee x


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