Chatting to Gillian Allard

Tune in for a snippet of Gillians coaching journey.  

We discuss the impact of Gill's sabotage voice and the things that block her from moving forward with her business idea.

The inner voice of sabotage is very powerful and it affects almost all of us who embark upon setting up and running our own business.  Sometimes we don't even realise how much we stand in our own way, make excuses for not doing something, convince ourselves that we're not good enough.

Our sabotage voice is so convincing, it's almost like another person filling your head with negativity.  And that's quite ok.  That negative voice from within you is terrified of change (good or bad) and is doing everything to protect you from harm.  But the truth is, when you're doing something as incredible as kickstarting your own business, it's amazing. But your poor inner voice doesn't understand that. 

One of the most empowering things in this process is the realisation that YOU have control, and that you can make that terrifying decision to step out of your way, silence that inner voice, and drive forward.  And to know it's ok to be afraid sometimes is so refreshing - we don't have to be perfect!

If you can relate to any of this, I'd love to hear from you and talk about your business dream....and fears.

Lots of love! 💕


Photographers - Less is More!


Chatting to Helen - Confidence!